The International Super Electric Debeaker makes both the functions of cutting and cauterizing simultanously.
It is fitted with heavy duty transformer and thermo controlled devise for proper heating of a Special type of blade for longer life.
1. Mount the debeaker over the stand and adjust the position of cauterizing blade at the proper position.
2. Place the chain through the hole in the mount and the bottom of the debeaker.
3. Connect the one side of the chain to the eyelet below the debeaker carriage, and other side to the foot lever.
4. While keeping the bird in the left hand, make use of right hand to grasp the upper neck of the bird.
5. Open the mouth of the bird, with the right fore-finger and leave the finger between the jaws and over the tongue.
6. Look for the beak, if in position, step on the pedal and bring the cauterizer edge down.
7. Take precautions not to overheat the blade. Keep it medium red.
8. Avoid burning bird's tongue.
9. Always keep the nuts tight.
10. Operatable onĀ 230 - 250 V Ac. 50 cycles.