The foundation stone of M/s. Diamond Incubators was laid about three decades ago and since its inception from the manufacturing of small equipments, it has risen to the heights of manufacturing incubators of all capacities. The Success of Diamond Incubation system is backed up on the wealth of expertise acquired through years of experience. It is the perfection of incubation system that almost 90% hatcherymen take pride in owning a Diamond Incubator.
We at diamond incubators have an extensive R&D setup where we are constantly trying to make better products, which satisfy the needs of our customers.
No need to worry because with diamond all automatic incubator. You can save more than 42% power consumption and approximately 40% space.
* Ist time introduced plastic setting Tray of Incubators in India in 1979.
* Ist time in India introduced Digital system.
* Ist time in India introduced setter of 30,000 egg capacity & 36,000 egg capacity
* Now Ist in India introduced setter of 60,000 egg capacity & 90,000 egg capacity.
The most critical factor for setting up a Hatchery is Hatchery Room itself. The following points should be considered for setting up a Hatchery Room:
1. It should be airy and well ventilated. In winter and at cold places it is not essential to have an airy room. Room temperatures from 70o F – 80o F should be maintained. Similarly sunspots on the Machine should be avoided during summer Season by using curtains on windows.
2. Place your incubator near a gas heater where carbon dioxide concentration in the air might be high and kill your embryo.
3. Keep visitors out of the hatchery room as much as possible to avoid the possibility of introducing disease.
Eggs should be picked up daily and stored in egg flats with the small ends down. The Flats should be tilted twice a day. On very hot days the hatching egg may be kept in the kitchen refrigerator in a plastic bag. Sprinkle the eggs with a little water and seal the bag. This will preserve humidity. Make sure that the eggs are placed far away from the freezer section so that the eggs do not freeze. Let your eggs stay at room temperature for a least twelve hours before setting in your Incubator (20-degree F). Eggs should be stored in a separate place than the hatchery room.
Eggs should be set after careful handling. In ‘DAYAL’ incubators it normally takes 3 minutes for setting eggs in an incubation tray. No packing of any sort is needed. Eggs of any size can be accommodated properly in the special tray provided. While placing eggs in the incubation trays the pointed/small end of the eggs should be down wards. Place trays in the incubators, pushing them back until these the rear of ranks. The turning of the eggs is completely automatic and does not require any handling. All the incubation eggs should be put in the incubators according to serial numbers marked on the eggs at their appropriate place.
The washing of hatching eggs is not recommended although many producers think that visual cleanliness will increase their chances of incubation success. It is more important to stress providing good nesting facilities and frequent egg collection to reduce egg contamination. Cleaning of eggs will then become unnecessary. The reason that washing is harmful is that washing aide’s bacteria to penetrate the egg shell through the small egg shell pores. The egg has many natural defenses to prevent the bacteria from moving through the shell. Washing removes the egg shell's natural defenses against bacterial entry, and water provides an environment that allows the organisms to literally swim through the shell pores. When this occurs, the egg is overwhelmed by more bacteria than it can destroy and egg contamination results. Several washing aids and antibiotics have been tested to destroy the bacteria but have not consistently improved egg hatchability. If dirty eggs must be used for hatching, it is recommended that they be incubated in an incubator separate from the clean eggs. This will prevent contamination of clean eggs and chicken if the dirty eggs explode and during hatching.
" Incubators of 54,000 eggs capacity installed by you in our hatchery are working satisfactory and we also save electricity. "
It is true that the world is getting a smaller place day by day. But since its inception, diamond incubators have grown many folds and have expanded to the rest the world. Being the original manufacture of incubators, we are holding the major share in India, and of course the company has the clientage across the globe also – from Africa and Middle East to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.